
What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the expression coined by the cosmetic industry to describe pockets of fat that are pushed against the skin leading to the “cottage cheese” dimpling look. Many people can become a victim of cellulite, but it is most common in women. Common affected areas are the thighs, buttocks and stomach areas.   What is Cellulite? Although there is some correlation between people affected with cellulite and their body fat, cellulite can also occur in leaner people.  So what is cellulite and why does it occur? Skin is composed of three different layers – the epidermis, dermis and fat layer.  The epidermis is the thin, outer layer of skin that protects your body.  The next layer is the dermis which is a thick layer of fibrous and elastic tissue. This gives your skin flexibility and strength.  The final layer is the fat layer, also known as the subcutaneous layer. Fat is contained in living cells, called fat cells, that is held together by strands of fibrous t...

What are Shin splints? causes and treatment of shin splints.

Overview of Shin Splits The term "shin splints" refers to pain along the shin bone (tibia) — the big bone within the front of your lower leg. redness are common in runners, dancers and military recruits. what are Shin splints Medically referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome, rubor often occur in athletes who have recently intensified or changed their training routines. The increased activity overworks the muscles, tendons and bone tissue. Most cases of inflammation is treated with rest, ice and other self-care measures. Wearing proper footwear and modifying your exercise routine can help prevent rubor from recurring. Symptoms of Shin Splits If you have got redness, you would possibly notice tenderness, soreness or pain along the inner side of your shinbone and mild swelling in your lower leg. At first, the pain might stop after you stop exercising. Eventually, however, the pain are often continuous and might accomplish a stress reaction or break. When to work out a doct...